October 19, 2022

Why Private Equity firms seek a trusted CRM for their portfolio companies? 3 powerful reasons:

EMPAUA Salesforce Partner

The ability to achieve both short and long-term objectives and value creation targets requires that PE investments have a scalable digital foundation in place to meet the unique  challenge of hypergrowth. 

It is therefore essential technology assets and integration assets to be built for scale and reusability, otherwise technical debt can limit revenue growth or efficiency gains. 

Relying on a CRM is a fundamental business decision and intrinsic will impact all areas of the business, from sales to operations to marketing and customer service. 

Salesforce is the digital platform that portfolio companies need for insight into efficiency, risk and new sources of revenue A clear data-driven guide, even when markets are volatile.

Understand 3 powerful reasons our UK-based Managing Director, Kirk Heuser, has identified about why private equity firms seek a trusted CRM, like Salesforce, for their portfolio companies: 

1 Maximise value and valuation

Accelerate value creation in their portfolio companies through revenue maximisation and cost minimisation by leveraging the best in class Salesforce platform.

Our experience in the industry has taught us that portfolio companies that have acquired Salesforce have been able to address and solve  important factors for scaling the business such as: 

  • Placing the strategic focus on the customer
  • Having the ability to use immediate, real-time analytics to identify customer behaviour easily and make strategic  decisions quickly
  • Avoid  the risk of using custom solutions and rather adopt a buy not build strategy to add business value immediately. 
  • Build agility into the business model and react to market changes quickly without expensive custom worke
  • Be constantly up to do with the latest innovations via automated releases on the Salesforce platform

2 Time is of the essence

Private Equity firms that take an active role in the transformation programme agendas at their portfolio company will see a greater business value, sooner while maximising their runway.

3 Scalability

As a portfolio company grows, so must their tech stack. If tech lags behind business, the tech debt will limit revenue growth. Maximise current and future valuations.

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